Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Disease In The Body

Disease enters the body through contact with microorganisms.

These pathogens need to be removed from our internal organs for us to be healthy.

The bad news is they cannot leave on their own!

Enter Living Streams Probiotic ... which contains beneficial flora, with a high concentration of various by-products of these friendly bacteria, such as "B" vitamins, enzymes, natural antibiotics (bactericin's). It even contains yeast and fungal inhibitors and other substances necessary for cleansing the systems.

Please visit: http://www.livingstreamsprobiotic.biz for more information and to order!


Scott Worthington said...

I have been using Living Streams Probiotic for over a month now, and my digestion is regulated. I also have no more gastric reflux, which was becoming quite a problem especially at night! Thanks Dave!

Scott Worthington said...

Two weeks ago, my wife was experiencing Diverticulitis symptoms she described as feeling like pain in the lower left side of her abdomen. The pain was severe and came on suddenly, and she had mild pain that became worse over several days and fluctuated in intensity. She also experienced abdominal tenderness, nausea, and constipation. These symptoms were accompanied by a sensation of fever.

I suggested that she take some Living Streams Probiotic. She took 3-4 sprays in the morning, 2-3 sprays at lunch-time, and 2-3 sprays in the evening.

Within 3 days the symptoms were gone. They have not returned, either!

I can't say enough about Living Streams Probiotic!
